executive board

G1 Sports Leadership



    A Chinese history buff, and  one of the original leaders that started the ministry back in 2003, Jack looks forward to God's continued guidance to focus on shaping the ministry to share the good news of God to all, develop the next generation of leaders, and become a positive impact to the East Bay community. Jack resides in Alameda, with his two daughters; Matea and Neriah, and his lovely wife Michelle, who is expecting soon. They attend one of our affiliated churches, Bay Farm Community Church.

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    Vice President

    Kevin brings focus and determination to an already vision strong and mission focused group of men. Father of three, Caleb, Naomi, and baby Hope. With his wife Nellie, also expecting soon, they are a formidable army unit poised to do the Father's work. He and Nellie have servant hearts to do God's will. Like all, they hope to share God's love with the community they serve.

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    Augie dedicated to the financial welfare of pastors everywhere brings an eye for detail to ensure all of G1Sports ducks are in a row, and all our "i"s and "t"s are dotted and crossed. He is our OOG and brings great wisdom as we seek to build a kingdom ministry to serve God in the East Bay.  His wife Katherine is a lawyer and his son Alex is likely to follow her footsteps.  Katherine has been a great help in our new organization.  

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    Calvin is our trustee for God's assets and  keeps our books so we are able to do God's work.  Like all of the rest of the team he is steadfast to his call from God to grow a ministry that will "Share God's love through sports" our missions statement. Married to Frances and having two daughters Tiffany working in San Diego, and Isabella attending college at SF State, with their support we know that Calvin will make sure we are financially solid as we move forward to expand His kingdom here in the East Bay.

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    Wai father of two sons, Gabe and Owen, along with his wife Patty join us with almost 16 years of pastoral experience.  Wai will look to focus on the spiritual formation of G1 Sports.  He will develop a Spiritual Leadership (SL) team to ensure we will stay focused on our mission as we seek out opportunities to share God to our community of players and their family.

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  • Albert Kwong

    Member at Large

    Al is one of the newest member to the Board.  This long time Alameda resident is currently retired from a long career in finance and engineering and spends most of his time with family, volunteering and staying active in various sports.  Al's lovely wife, Wanda and two girls, Michelle and Jennifer currently attend Bay Farm Church.  Al hopes to share his love of basketball and God with others and be a part of sharing and growing this Ministry!

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